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Fitri Kartika Sari
Agustin C Karay


The type of research in this study is normative legal research. The approach used in this study is a conceptual approach, the conceptual approach in this study is carried out by examining legal principles and theories in relation to the ombudsman's authority. Based on the method used, it can be seen that the ombudsman is an independent state institution, because it does not have a hierarchical relationship with any state institution or government agency, and is not under the influence of other powers in carrying out its duties and functions. The Ombudsman is a supervisory institution and is also a pillar of upholding the principles of a democratic rule of law. The ombudsman institution is only a recommendation provider, and is not in a judging order. Because basically the ombudsman is not a judiciary that can decide. This matter then causes the Ombudsman to only act as an intermediary institution that becomes a legal bridge in the event of a maladministration process. The ombudsman is prohibited from interfering in the freedom of judges in making decisions. The Ombudsman is only tasked with receiving, examining the substance, following up on public reports that fall under the authority of the Ombudsman, and conducting investigations on his own initiative against allegations of maladministration in the administration of public services.

Rincian Artikel

Cara Mengutip
Sari, Fitri Kartika, dan Agustin C Karay. “KEWENANGAN OMBUDSMAN SEBAGAI LEMBAGA INDEPENDEN DALAM PELAKSANAAN LAPORAN MASYARAKAT”. ADIL 2, no. 1 (November 20, 2020): 13-24. Diakses April 20, 2024.


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